Friday, November 20, 2009

Day 19: It just gets harder!

This leg work out is a freakin killer! Im getting better at keeping up but i wanna die every time i do it, and the ab ripper at the end.. seriously its EVERY OTHER DAY!!!
It hurt like hell every time and all i can think is when the heck to my abs get time to heal?
By Tuesday next week i will be in Indiana! Goin home for Thanksgiving. I should be able to spend a lil time to visit some of you guys, but mostly a family visit. So the blogging will be very sparse if i get to blog at all.
It'll be good to get a lil break and spend time with family. It'll also be my down week for P90X. Still be working out but not near as hard.
That's it for today not much to actually talk about.. unless you guys wanna hear about cleaning the house, doin dishes, and changing dirty diapers!
Yeah didn't think so.


  1. AGHHH! I don't come here for a lousy few days and THIS is what I miss.



    that I didn't get to see you! When are you guys coming back?
