Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Day 3: Two Eggs Balboa Style!

OH MY GOD! It took every once of determination i could muster to drag my lazy butt out of bed this morning! I asked Beth to wake me up, like usual. She says, "hey did you wanna wake up at 6:30 or 7:00?" I think I might have groaned, but not sure i even get that out. She asked again, I groaned im thinking. Then eventually said 7.
At 7 she said, "hey, its 7" Rolled over buried my face in the pillow and said... well i dont even recall. but i know she tried again at 7:15 and 7:30 by 7:45 one leg hit the floor and like a ragged marionette bolstered enough energy to drag the rest of my carcass out of bed.
I worked almost 9 hours late last night so im gonna chalk it up to that.

I started the day off with two eggs balboa style.. thats right crack em in a cup and drink!
I know it sounds gross but if you just swallow them whole you dont even taste it. Again an adaptation from the Ryan Reynolds diet. He used to eat two cooked eggs and oatmeal everyday. But whos got time to cook in the morning. Ever see that movie The Replacements? You know the one about the rag tag team of replacement football players lead by keanu reeves. The fat sumo dude eats a dozen hard boiled eggs and ralphs all over the field. Thats always the fear when you suck down raw eggs, ill start working out then blehhh all over. It hasnt happend yet though.

Sadly enough by the time i got ready to work out munchkin was ready too!
Doing an hour long workout with a wired child isnt easy. I put her in her saucer and tried working out. Gave her some snacks but that didnt last long. Everytime she finished one she'd grunt furiously till i gave her another.. and another and another and another. 3/4 through the workout she got so mad i had to stop and make her breakfast. Really im not a bad parent she usually waits an hour to eat after she wakes up. I did finish the whole workout though.

Today was arms&shoulder with the ab ripper. By far the easiest workout for me.. guess my arms are in alot better shape than the rest of me. The ab ripper killed cause my abs are already sore from doing it on monday. My glutes and hams are killing me from plyos yesterday!

*Ok small confession*
Apparently some time between sucking down energy drinks on the 36 hr drive to california and now i became highly addicted to energy drinks.. specifically NOS!
I wanna thank my great friend Matt for introducing me to my very first energy drink!
Yesterday as i was leaving for work... call it force of habit or chemical dependency i dont care, but it definitely called out to me.
It said, "HEY, Bontrager... whatcha doin? Oh goin to work huh? MMM wouldnt i taste soooo good right now, and hey youll have extra energy for all those dumb cards you gotta put out. Come on Bontrager, youve done soooooo well so far whats just one little NOS? Just a 16oz not even a 22oz. COME ON YOU KNOW YOU WANT ME!"
Thats when i replied, "Youre sooo right Mr. NOS i do want you. i wanna taste your syrupy goodness in my mouth and that sudden jolt of sugar high with your carnitine clearity!"
Yup! i bought him and i drank him SO DONT JUDGE ME! Im not having another for at least a week.. hey im realistic, and im drinking around 80oz of water a day.
Old habits are hard to break


  1. "Thats when i replied, 'Youre sooo right Mr. NOS i do want you. i wanna taste your syrupy goodness in my mouth and that sudden jolt of sugar high with your carnitine clearity!'"

    You totally wrote that and posted it ON THE INTERNET NEXT TO YOUR REAL NAME AND HALF NAKED BODY. Did you not read the warning label or something, because NOS completely shorted out your gaydar. Just saying.

  2. Lmao @ the "Mr. Nos" thing. :)

  3. Hey Hey Hey now! Just because i like sweet syrupy things in my mouth doesnt make me.... hmmm. I see your point! Whatever! It sounds gay so what im not gay and i got a kid and one on the way to prove it

  4. lol, today's entry made me laugh :D Thanx :D

  5. Me thinks the lady doth protest too much ... ;P

  6. Oh nice Hamlet reference! And yes i want points for knowing that!!
