Friday, November 6, 2009

Day 5: Luke Im Your Father!

It started like this!
Beth says Hey, its 7. I intern responded with,
"No... No... That's not true... That's impossible!"

How stinking sad is it that even 7am comes so darn early for me? Im gonna chalk that one up to my body being tired from rebuilding all night. Cause i mean seriously there is no way i could be lazy!
I know understand why when i used to tell people i woke up at 5:30 to work out before work, people told me im crazy! You wanna know crazy? My friend Tracy used to get up at 3:30am to work out!

And how is it that babies have this uncanny ability to know exactly when you dont want them to wake up and BAM!! Grunt, rustle rustle, whine, whine, WHAA!
Crap kid! what are you doin to me?
I should just resign myself to the fact that this kid is going to be awake every time i work out unless i get up at 6am. Knowing my luck the "daddy left the room alarm" will go off in her head anyway.

So btw. Never have i ever done such a hard leg workout using NO weights, truly awesome! And afterward yeah im tired and yeah im sore but darnit! i feel pretty good still.

Can i take a moment to go off about the stupidest thing ever??
The Snuggie!
By now youve all seen it, you know that blanket with sleeves? Its literally a HUGE fleece blanket you wear. Yeah picture it a fleece dress! And not only is it for men too, but yup you guessed it.. its for your dog too!!! WHAT THE CRAP!! Put a damn sweater on! Or if you wanna save the money go grab your big fat grandmas moo moo and give that a try!
Am i way off target here or does anyone else agree with me?

At least one person agrees with me!

(someone comment and tell me how to add pics and links in this darn thing)


  1. If you want to add a link use your mouse to highlight the text you want linked then click on the link icon (in the tool bar, in the box you are writing in) It will tell you to enter an that and hit ok. (Extra text will show up but it won't be there when you publish.) It will then link your text to what ever web address you put in.
    To add an image: Click on the photo icon (right next to the spell check on the tool bar in the box you are writing) A window will come up for you to browse your photos if you want to add something from your computer/documents click that and find the pic you want...then click on it and hit "open" this will bring you back to the just hit upload image and it will do it for you. Click on done, and that's all you need to do.. if you want to put in a pic from on line: instead of browse you will use the other box and follow the same steps...
    Hope this was clear enough and helps.

    Oh and yes I agree, the snuggie is dumb!

  2. Thanks Amber that was really helpful... and now i feel kind of slow for not noticing those extremely noticeable icons that look exactly like the thing that they do! Guess i should be more observant.

  3. Hey, think of the alarm clock being the horn for the bus that's coming to take you to adonis land (only not in a gay way, just to clarify after the whole Mr. Nos incident). If you don't get your butt out of bed, you're going to miss the bus! Worked for me anyway ;) By the way, right there with you in the early a.m., little brother. Still the only time I can get anything done.

  4. Ha ha youre taking me back to junior high with the most awesome band ever! KRIS KROSS! " I missed the bus. da da da da, i missed the bus da da da da and that is somethin that ill never ever do again!!!! YEAH BOOOOOOOOOOY!!!!!
